Too Busy?

"There are always a million reasons not to do something."
-Jan Levinson-Gould [The Office]

I tend to put The Office (U.S. version) on in the background while I'm illustrating and completing personal projects in my "free" time. It helps lighten the mood, but it also has a lot of great content that has inspired me to keep at it. When I chat with family, friends, or coworkers, there is a recurring conversation about sincerely wanting to start, continue, or finish personal projects, but there just "isn't enough time."

Sure, when you're working 40+ hours a week, have children or pets to take care of, and your own personal errands to run, it can seem like there is never enough time to do anything we really want to do. But as Jan says to Pam, it's easy to come up with excuses that push these projects down on our list of priorities, but it's up to us to reassess those priorities and make time in our schedules to tackle the things that are important to us!

Don't get me wrong, it's healthy to set time aside to unwind to alleviate our high-stress levels, but it's also crucial that we motivate ourselves to engage in activities or projects that allow us to bring value to society. You can say, "I'm too exhausted," or you can say, "I'll invest two more hours into my personal work." These are the decisions that separate truly successful people from the rest of the world. It's definitely a challenge, but something to think about and work towards! I'd love to hear about your journey to getting more done. Good luck!